awehm 发表于 2021-2-4 08:26:52

Unable to downloadLHFT

Hello, i have purchased the set from the link
Unfortunately i cannot download the files in the link becase i need a baidu account.
In my country (德国)i cannot register a baidu account because i cannot typ in 德国的手机号码
Can you help me?


admin 发表于 2021-2-4 10:40:48

admin 发表于 2021-2-4 10:41:43

首先使用手机号在百度智能云的英文页面注册账号,链接: (注:不要点"Chinese"切换到中文界面!!!)输入号码之后点发送验证码(send a dynamic password),会提示你该手机号还没被注册,直接点击下方蓝色的“现在注册(register now)”就会自动帮你注册账号。设置完密码后会登陆到百度智能云,关闭这个网页,打开网页版百度网盘,会发现该账号已近登陆上了。最后打开百度账号的用户中心:,设置你的用户名等等。之后就可以直接使用用户名登陆百度账号了。

admin 发表于 2021-2-4 10:43:12

awehm 发表于 2021-2-4 18:13:35

谢谢,但我德国号码不行 :-(.

I found a way to download the files without account, but it is very slow.
I will see if i can get a cellphone number from outside EU to se up an account.

Thank your for fast reply and for your amazing content.
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