gnerus19 发表于 2023-6-8 01:12:07

Need help with purchasing and Baidu

Hello. To purchase and download photo work, I understand I have to install Baidu.I heard, to create an account with Baidu, you have to have a Chinese phone #.Is it true?   Can I create an account without a phone# or with a USA based mobile phone#?Thanky you very much.
My appologies if I posted this at the wrong forum.

gnerus19 发表于 2023-6-9 22:40:00

Thank you very much for the explanation.Once I create the Baidu account, I will recharge account.

admin 发表于 2023-6-8 20:37:00

First, register your account on the English page of Baidu AI Cloud through your mobile phone number. The link is: lang=en (Note: Do not click" Chinese" to switch the interface to Chinese!! !)
After entering the number, click "sending a dynamic password", and you will be prompted that the mobile phone number has not been registered, then directly click the blue button of "registering now" below, it will automatically help you register an account. After setting the password, you will log in to Baidu AI Cloud, close this page, open the web version of Baidu Netdisk, and you will find that the account has been logged in. Finally, open the user center of Baidu account:, set your username and so on. After that, you can log in to Baidu account directly with your username.

admin 发表于 2023-6-8 20:04:42
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