
标题: 模拍等作品能不能不要加音乐? [打印本页]

作者: 牛哥是你哥    时间: 2022-7-18 23:23
标题: 模拍等作品能不能不要加音乐?

作者: admin    时间: 2022-7-19 08:51
兄弟 只需要0.1秒钟点击暂停音乐即可。

有很多兄弟希望加背景音乐  众口难调啊  兄弟

作者: MoSuCaren    时间: 2022-7-19 12:00
hi Admin,
i really like all your music.  
I completely agree with your reply. Please keep them as is.  if anyone wants to turn of the music., they can turn it off by themselves.

Your music is amazing. I love it.  please post the tile of the music as well.
again love your music and models. please post the swim suites and travel shooting.

Thank you for your awesome work.

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