I am not the admin. Hope following tips will help you. This is the normal process that had worked.
1. Click the video or set of images button you wish to purchase.
2. Once successful system will display a link.
3. Cut and past the link provided into your browser (i.e. Crome works well)
4. If you are doing it for the first time,system will prompt you to install BaiduNetDisk Client.
5. Install this Baidu software, in your machine.
6. Please note that Baidu software is in Chinese language only. English version is not available at this time (let me know if you found one). If you don’t know Chinese language, use google translator. But most of he options are straight forward.
7. Login to this software using userid and password provided by admin. (this is the tricky part). You have to work with admin to create an account for you)
8. Now, go back to your browser and cut and past the original link provided at the time of image or video purchage again to your browser. (i.e. step 3). Or refresh the browser.
9. If you download it correctly software will begin downloading the package for you automatically.
10. But next time you download, baidu software will automatically start when you past the link.
10. Files are usually in WIN.rar or ZIP format.
11. So you need to install win.RAR in your machine (this is better than winzip) . Its alsofree.
12. Using this software simply un-compress the files and double click to view each file.
Some useful tips.
a. Do not un-compress the files directly while on baidu website. This will fail. (it’s a very common mistake)
b. Always download the files to your local machine first and uncompress.
c. If you use Crome browser, you can easily translate the entire Baidu website chines text into English.
Admin > hope you reward me for helping others.
Thank you.